Saturday, 8 March 2014

Oscar Pistorius Trial and the end of Reeva Steenkamps life on earth

Oscar Pistorius,

If I could ask you some questions they would be in this line:

You believe that your mother is watching over you.( This is a statement that you have made in the past.)

1.  Do you believe that Reeva is watching you, or over you?

2.  What would Reeva be saying if she were afforded the ability to speak  in court ?

3.  What would she be saying about the night of her death?

4.  Would Reeva tell the court exactly what you have?

5.  Would she say. "Please forgive him, set him free, it was an accident"?

If, your Mother is watching over you,
what would she have said, or asked of you regarding  your and Reeva's last night together?
And the last night of  Reeva's life?

Would she have said to you: "Tell the Truth, the Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth, and I will love you anyway"

 Or, would she have said: "Protect yourself at all costs", it does not matter that you took Reeva's life?

Would she have asked you to "Man Up", and take the consequences of your actions, (Reckless shooting without establishing that there really was a burglar in the house)
 or would she have told you that your life, and livelihood, is more important than anyone Else's?

I feel, and am not stating it as a fact, that your actions (recklessly shooting)

Robbed Reeva of a marriage,
Having children,
having grandchildren,
and a  potential 60+ years of living,
experiencing life,
and realizing her dreams.

I hope that you can stand before:

1.   Your Mother, "who is watching over you",

2.   God' that you prayed to, after the fact,

3.   And Reeva, who is in all likelihood, like your Mother "watching you", or "over you" and say in     100% honesty, "I thought she was a burglar, so I shot her."

Like Reeva's parents, I would like to know the Truth, the Real Truth, and nothing but the Truth.

There are still so many, many, questions in my mind, but I will leave it at this, for now.