Monday, 20 May 2013

Affiliate Marketing Network Marketing

I have been struggling my butt off with this business, but, I have survived to tell the tale.  Not knowing much about computers or the internet, and absolutely nothing about internet marketing (or any marketing at all for that matter) has not made the task at hand easy.

I have learnt a lot over the past few weeks - but not nearly enough.  I was wondering if there is a course I could do to understand all this computer and internet jargon to put it all together. Well I guess I will have to google and find that out.

Although I am struggling, I have no intention of giving up.  I am just uber frustrated with myself for learning so slowly.

Strong Future International - - is easy enough now already.  After drowning myself in information over the first month, I discovered that if I just stuck to the basics, I spend one to one and a half hours online and  I am done for the day, unless I want to answer e-mails from my down-line as they arrive, which does not happen very often. The bonus is that I am earning an income which will just keep growing and growing with time. I determine my income by the amount of work I am prepared to put into the business. This is a very easy business to run and there are many streams of income to be earned by affiliates that are prepared to put in some work.

I am amazed by the amount of people that join these marketing teams that believe all they have to do is join and the money is going to come pouring in.  If that were true, we would all be rich.  Nothing for nothing, and very little for a penny as the saying goes!

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

The days go past so quickly

I find it hard to believe that I last wrote and published a post on the 8th.  I have had rather a busy time I guess.

On Thursday last week I took my sister home from the hospital.  On the way back to my place I hit a pothole in the road while travelling at about 70 kilometers per hour. NOT NICE! (I must confess that I was looking in the right hand side mirror and rear view mirror and therefore did not see the pothole)

Needless to say, I ended up with a badly damaged rim and Tyre It was too late in the day to do anything about it.  On the way to my daughters place the next morning, the Tyre deflated totally and I was stranded at the side of the road.  I tried to change the wheel by myself, but had to give up eventually as the tool used to elevate the jack snapped! Fortunately, my husband was at home and he could come to the rescue.  We managed to put on the spare wheel-BUT- two of the nuts and bolts had  stripped.
The rest of the day went by in a whirr of busy stuff.

Over the week-end, we had the "Vryburgers Nationale Burger Raad". (The Vryburgers are an Afrikaans Christian Charitable Organisation) The Pretoria Vryburgers hosted this yearly event over the week-end.  On Friday we had the meet and greet, and a typical South African braai.
Saturday morning the men had the annual general meeting, and the ladies were treated to a morning at Ludwig's Rose farm.  The ladies met at the Clubhouse, and we caught a bus to the farm.  We were treated to a breakfast and a ride on a tractor around the farm with a guide that gave us the history of the farm and the roses.

I came home laden with: three Rose Bushes, Rose Jam, Rose Liqueur  Rose Salt, Rose Pepper, Rose bath Oil, Rose Pot Pourie, Rose Essential Oil and Rose Vinegar!
One of the roses that I purchased is the  "Golden Penny" which was named after a Neurologist. Dr Penny Guldenpfennig.

We then went back to the clubhouse and had a hamburger braai, then home for a short rest, bath and change of clothing, and off to the Brooklynn Theater for a musical show, followed by a dinner.  So that was another late night.

Sunday, of course, was Mothers day and a big family get-together. Grandmother, mothers and all the children.  We went to a rustic restaurant, in Irene, and spent the whole morning there.  Only left at twelve.

My daughter, Lee-Anne had in the meantime been admitted to hospital for an appendisectomy. We got to the hospital just as she came out of the operating theater  Groggy, crying and ever so happy to see her "mommy" Her sister Nikki and I spent some time with her at the hospital.  Nikki had been taking care of Lee-Anne's daughter Kassidy.  My turn was still to come.

I then took over looking after Kassidy, which put paid to any good intentions of getting a substantial amount of  work done! I managed only the barest minimum

Monday was another day which threw me totally off.  Preparing a toddler for creche  dropping her off at the creche, visiting her mommy in hospital, going to renew my car licence  shopping and on the list goes.  So once again, only the barest minimum of work done.

Today, the early morning routine was much the same, except that Lee-Anne was discharged from the hospital and I took her home and spent the morning with her.

At least today, I have got some work done and I feel like I am starting to get back on track! Lord, may the days till the end of this month be such that I can get a substantial amount of work done.  I have so much to learn, so much I want to learn and so much that I want to do.  The internet and all this technical jargon and computer lingo are not going to keep me down.  I learn a little every day, and will learn more and more as I go along.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

hummm. Midweek already.

Yesterday was rather a bleak day for me.
I found out, in a really lousy way, that one of my casual friends had died last year in November. (By casual friend I mean someone that I got on well with at social gatherings, but the friendship did not extend beyond the social gathering scene.)

A birthday reminder was e-mailed to me from a Calender app on facebook. I responded to the birthday reminder by posting a message on facebook.  Yesterday, one of our mutual casual friends let me know that the birthday wish had been inappropriate, as the person that I had sent the birthday wish to had died tragically in November last year. We lost contact after she became engaged and moved out of our circle of friends. We had also moved to a different area so we were no longer seeing this group of people.

Then to make it even worse, I received more birthday reminders about a close friend, whom I fortunately did know had passed away last year.  It is just so sad to see all these reminders and to know that these people are no longer with us.  Now to pluck up the courage to contact the family to let them know that they have at least three more apps to close on behalf of Julee.

This got me to wondering, what happens when you become an affiliate, a successful one at that, and you die, what happens to your income stream?  Many questions I will have to ask myself and some serious research to be done!

Well that's it for today.

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Week End

Well, we have arrived at the end of the first week end of May. My daughter celebrated her 6th wedding anniversary today. My friend Patricia Le Grange celebrated her twelth wedding anniversary. Congratulations to both of them.
Have an amazing week eveybody.

Friday, 3 May 2013

online shopping

I have done a fair amount of online shopping. And 99% of the time I had good experiences. Only once in the (approximately) 4 years that I have done online shopping, have I had a bad experience.  I was defrauded of quite a large sum of money.  This problem was resolved by going into my bank and talking to the service providers in the legal department. My money was refunded to me as I did not take possession of the items that were mailed to me, when I became aware that money was withdrawn from my credit card that I had not approved. 

I learnt from this experience that it is much safer to pay by means of a merchant like Pay Pal.

Amazon, Kobo, Kalahari and of course, the i-tunes store seem to be safe places to shop with a credit card.

One of the stores I shop at frequently is: This online store has a member base of 1,622.419 members and 75,310 Products and Services .... and growing daily.
They also have an ECA Program which can be found at

That is all for today folks.