hummm. Midweek already.
Yesterday was rather a bleak day for me.
I found out, in a really lousy way, that one of my casual friends had died last year in November. (By casual friend I mean someone that I got on well with at social gatherings, but the friendship did not extend beyond the social gathering scene.)
A birthday reminder was e-mailed to me from a Calender app on facebook. I responded to the birthday reminder by posting a message on facebook. Yesterday, one of our mutual casual friends let me know that the birthday wish had been inappropriate, as the person that I had sent the birthday wish to had died tragically in November last year. We lost contact after she became engaged and moved out of our circle of friends. We had also moved to a different area so we were no longer seeing this group of people.
Then to make it even worse, I received more birthday reminders about a close friend, whom I fortunately did know had passed away last year. It is just so sad to see all these reminders and to know that these people are no longer with us. Now to pluck up the courage to contact the family to let them know that they have at least three more apps to close on behalf of Julee.
This got me to wondering, what happens when you become an affiliate, a successful one at that, and you die, what happens to your income stream? Many questions I will have to ask myself and some serious research to be done!
Well that's it for today.
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